Triple Canopy Media

Make the most of website content: Share it on social media

In an earlier post, we talked about how to create the kind of engaging, high-quality content for your website that will attract readers, produce customers, and generate better Google rankings. But once you create that content and post it on your website or blog, what else should you do with it? Why, share it on social media, of course!

Hopefully, you are creating content that answers the questions asked by searchers looking for the products or services that your company provides, particularly as they use voice search. Providing that kind of high-quality content will help you get found online. And getting found online will help you move up in Google’s search rankings.

Now here’s how you can use that content on your social media platforms.

From featured snippet to FAQ

There is a wide range of website content that we recommend sharing on social media. Here are a few that we consider key:

Tell me more

There are other ways to repurpose your blog posts. Here are just a few:

Reap the social media rewards

Doing all this – and more — will help you reap the rewards of social media. You’ll engage your customers by delivering interactive and professional content that will help improve your online visibility and expand your customer reach.

TCM can do it for you

If you’re not sure how to do your own social media, reach out to Triple Canopy Media. At Triple Canopy Media we would be glad to show you how it’s done. Or do it for you.

Here’s what we do:

  1. We assess your needs, determine which social media platforms will best serve them, and set up a regular process for sharing carefully crafted content about your business via selected platforms.
  2. We create a cohesive strategy and measurement plan.
  3. We integrate the plan across the organization.
  4. Finally, we use metrics to monitor content marketing performance and ROI.